Study this famous article by Nicholas Carr about the impact of the Internet on our reading and thinking habits.
To help you focus on the content and avoid distraction 😉 you might install the add-on / extension Evernote Clearly which cleans away everything apart from the actual content.
There are a number of rather difficult / unknown words in the text. When it says e.g. „The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.“ you should as usual first try to guess from the context what ‚malleable‘ could mean, before you look it up in the OALD (remember to study the correct pronunciation!) and if necessary at Linguee.
Wow, soeben kam das neue xkcd und siehe da, es liefert alle Antworten 🙂
Herrlich! „Will teens use it for sex?“ ist besonders schön. 😉
Respekt! Wenn das Gros Deiner Schüler diesen langen Text zu Ende liest, ohne der _digistraction_ zum Opfer zu fallen, dann ist das Abendland vielleicht doch noch nicht verloren.