Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Schlagwort: Listening Seite 1 von 2

Listening Comprehension

Befo­re you actual­ly start lis­tening you should spe­cu­la­te about the topic. If pos­si­ble you speak loud: „I think the pod­cast could be about / deals with the ques­ti­on / pres­ents argu­ments for and against …“

HW podcastsinenglish

Go to this site, brow­se through the list of topics and choose/listen to a pod­cast that you are inte­res­ted in. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW Empathy for Robots

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. Wri­te down all the blue words/phrases that are explai­ned at the bot­tom of the screen during the sto­ry, tog­e­ther with their Ger­man trans­la­ti­ons (if neces­sa­ry look them up at PONS) and LEARN them. Bring your list to class. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW All Ears English

Go to this web­site and choo­se / lis­ten to an epi­so­de that you are inte­res­ted in.  Note that this is just the first page, you’ll find many more epi­so­des on the fol­lo­wing pages.

As usu­al take notes and prepa­re a short talk about your episode.


Hör­ver­ste­hens­übun­gen eig­nen sich oft gut für (begrün­de­tes) Spe­ku­lie­ren und intel­li­gent gues­sing

HW TED Radio Hour

Go to the TED Radio Hour web­site and brow­se through the „past shows“. Choo­se one that you are inte­res­ted in and lis­ten to about the first 15 minu­tes – yes, you may lis­ten to the rest of the programme 😉

As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW 6 Minute English

Go to this web­site or – for older pro­gram­mes – to this one.  Choo­se a topic that you are inte­res­ted in and lis­ten to the pod­cast WITHOUT loo­king at the transcript. 

Model Answer

Wenn man Umfra­gen glau­ben darf, geben immer mehr weib­li­che Teen­ager als Berufs­ziel „Model“ an. Da kann es nicht scha­den das The­ma mal aus einer kri­ti­schen Per­spek­ti­ve zu betrach­ten und ggf. auch noch gleich Hör­ver­ste­hen zu üben:

SCC English

… bie­tet schö­ne Pod­casts z.B. zu Poet­ry und Shake­speare.

HW The English We Speak

Go to The Eng­lish We Speak, scroll through the list and lis­ten to THREE epi­so­des that you find interesting.

Take notes so that you can pre­sent your words, their mea­nings and exam­p­le sen­ten­ces / situa­tions for each word in class.

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