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Das Team des New York Shakespeare Exchange hat sich vorgenommen alle Shakespeare Sonette zu verfilmen mit dem Ziel „to provide fresh points of entry to the work so that modern audiences will be exposed to the intrinsic power of Shakespeare. “
Originell ist dabei die Idee, alle Sonette mit bestimmten Orten in New York zu verknüpfen.
SonnetProjectNYC (YouTube), Tipp von Max Müller
Study this text until „Variations and Liberties […]“ – of course it is NOT forbidden to study the rest, too 😉 Follow the link to Edna St. Vincent Millay’s sonnet. As usual prepare a short talk.
The world’s best literature guides, created by the original editors of SparkNotes.
LitCharts (Tipp von Martina Baasner)
Compare the following two video adaptations of Shakespeare’s sonnet 73. Which one do you like better? Why? Take notes and prepare a short talk.
Stop the following video after each quatrain and repeat in your own words what was said.
Study this “quick biographical landscape of William Shakespeare’s life and legacy”. First watch the presentation, then study the Transkript.