Young poet, edu­ca­tor and acti­vist Mal­com Lon­don per­forms his stir­ring poem about life on the front lines of high school. He tells of the “oce­ans of ado­le­s­cence” who come to school “but never learn to swim,” of “mas­cu­li­ni­ty mimi­cked by men who grew up with no fathers.” Beau­tiful, lyri­cal, chilling.

Young spo­ken-word poet Mal­colm Lon­don has been cal­led the „Gil Scott-Heron of this gene­ra­ti­on.“ His feis­ty, pas­sio­na­te per­for­man­ces take on the issues of the day, inclu­ding the Chi­ca­go edu­ca­ti­on sys­tem in which he grew up.

Je nach Inten­ti­on und Leis­tungs­stär­ke der Schü­ler kann bzw. soll­te man die Unter­ti­tel und das Tran­script (auf der TED Web­site) zu Hil­fe nehmen.