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Abitur 2012 Auf­ga­be I Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 3: A school in Glas­gow has repla­ced school­books with iPads. Wri­te an artic­le for your school maga­zi­ne dis­cus­sing this step. (Von Quen­tin Müller).

Intro­duc­tion: Recent­ly we read Cory Doctorow’s novel Litt­le Brot­her in class. The spe­cial thing about it was that I did­n’t read the prin­ted book but the digi­tal ver­si­on on an iPad that I had bor­ro­wed from a fri­end. [Beschrei­bung die­ser Lese­er­fah­rung, dann Über­lei­tung zur „school in Glasgow“].

Main part: advan­ta­ges of iPads: small, light, easy to use, envi­ron­ment fri­end­ly, les­sons could beco­me more inte­res­t­ing (ani­ma­ti­ons, audio, video, new methods)

dis­ad­van­ta­ges: extre­me­ly expen­si­ve, schools have no money, who pays? What about poor fami­lies? easi­ly dama­ged, dan­ger of digis­trac­tion [+ ;-)]

Con­clu­si­on: Weig­hing the pros and cons … So why iPads? [vgl. Über­schrift +++, vgl. „wit­ty and sophisti­ca­ted titles“] We have books.





Nächster Beitrag

Stil- und mittellos

  1. Schö­ne Idee(n)! Danke.

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