Heute habe ich mit meinem LK Hamlets „Sein oder Nichtsein“ Monolog besprochen, da bietet es sich an, dass man sich auf die Suche nach Parodien macht. Hier eine Version von Lillian E. Carlton:
TV or Not TV – A Modern Soliloquy
TV or not TV: that is the question:
Whether ‚tis smarter in the head to suffer
The sound and fury of the one-eyed monster,
Or to rise up against outrageous programs
And by a dial-twist end them. To rest; to sleep;
No more; and by that sleep to say we end
The eyestrain and the thousand silly shows
That we’re exposed to. ‚Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To sleep; to dream;
Ay, there’s the rub; for in that sodden sleep
What dreams may come? What visions of delights
We’ll never get to see on any chance,
Must give us pause. There’s respect
That makes such fools of those who’d seek their pillows.
For who would bear to watch the hoary westerns,
… who Bonanza … who Walt Disney,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a swift Nytol?
The hope of better things to come,
Great undiscovered glories, stays the hand,
And makes us rather bear the shows we have
Than dream of others we may never see.
Thus wishing does make viewers of us all,
And thus the honest need to go to bed
Is vanquished by the will‑o‘-wisp of promise,
And keeps us staring at the boob-tube.
outrageous: very shocking and unacceptable – eye strain: a tired condition of the eyes caused e.g. by a long period of reading or looking at a computer screen – Consummation: the action or moment of completing, making perfect, or fulfilling sth – devoutly: inbrünstig – there’s the rub: that’s the problem – sodden: completely wet as a result of absorbing a lot of liquid – hoary: very old and well-known or familiar – quietus 1. the end of one’s life; 2. [fig] come-uppance – Nytol: name of a sleeping tablet- ‚ will‑o‘-the-wisp: Irrlicht, Täuschung- boob-tube: (infml) TV screen; boob = fool
Müsste man nur ein bisschen aktualisieren, z.B. „soaps“ statt „westerns“ „Big Brother“ statt „Bonanza“ …
Im Folgenden eine PC Version:
PC or not PC, that is the question,
Whether ´tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous viruses
Or to arms against a sea of digitroubles
And by cutting some cables end them. To be offline, to relax -
No more, and by a command to say we end
The eye strain and the thousand incomprehensible error messages
That we’re exposed to; ‚tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To be offline, to relax -
Perchance to read and miss a brand-new update,
Ay there’s the rub, for in our absence
What „innovation“ may come
Shouldn’t make us pause – there’s no respect
For the nerds who stay online:
For who would bear the whips of bluescreen crashes,
The insolence of Office,
The pangs of vicious hackers,
The incompetence of shop-assistants
But that the hope for a faster CPU puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than simply switch off and relax.
Es gibt natürlich viele weitere Parodien.
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