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Schlagwort: Abitur Seite 4 von 6

Memorize Me

LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 2: „School fails child­ren by tea­ching them to par­rot, not to think. Do you agree?“.

Auf­satz mei­nes LK-Schü­lers Axel Gan­zert.

Educating Me Softly

LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 1: Edu­ca­ti­on requi­res punish­ment. Discuss.

Auf­satz mei­ner LK-Schü­le­rin Lau­ra Nemeth:


LK Abitur 2010 Auf­ga­be I Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 4: Descri­be the fol­lo­wing car­toon and com­ment on it.

Dank an Max Mül­ler für ver­schie­de­ne Kor­rek­tu­ren und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Language and Style

„Show how the aut­hor uses lan­guage and style“ scheint die neue Stan­dard­for­mu­lie­rung im baye­ri­schen Abitur zu sein. 

Fair Trade

gk Abitur 2010‑I Topic 1

You work in a fair-trade shop. Wri­te an artic­le for your school-maga­zi­ne, in which you try to con­vin­ce your fel­low stu­dents to buy such products.

Im Gegen­satz zum Quas­sel­the­ma 2 soll­te man etwas über Fair Trade WISSEN bevor man sich für die­ses The­ma ent­schei­det, sonst geht es nur z.B. um „healt­hy and orga­nic food“.

Cooking Shows

gk Abitur 2010‑I Topic 2

Can coo­king shows chan­ge our eating habits for the better?

Ich hät­te die­se Fra­ge rund­her­um ver­neint, bzw. stark ein­ge­schränkt („only very few peo­p­le actual­ly pro­fit from such programmes“).

Hence Violence

LK Abitur 2005  II – Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 3

Vio­lence at schools has increased over the last few years. Wri­te an artic­le for a qua­li­ty news­pa­per in which you ana­ly­se the cau­ses and effects of this development.

Invading New Markets

LK Abitur 2008 II,  Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 4 (Von Neal Con­way, LK)

Com­ment on the car­toon.

Duty or Pleasure?

LK Abitur 2008 I, Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 2 (Von Ange­la Feld­mann, LK)

Duty or plea­su­re? Wri­te a speech with this title given by a  stu­dent repre­sen­ta­ti­ve at an Ame­ri­can or Bri­tish gra­dua­ti­on ceremony.

[Spea­k­er sings]
Don’t know much about history

Big Fat Brother Is Watching You

LK Abitur 2008 I, Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 1

Can or should peo­p­le be forced to adopt a healt­hy lifestyle?

Big Fat Brother Is Watching You

You walk into McDo­nalds, head for the coun­ter and wait in line. You don’t have much time so you just want to grab some­thing quick. May­be a dou­ble quar­ter­poun­der with extra cheese and super size fries. Oh well, you haven’t had any­thing all day so make it two quar­ter­poun­ders. You order your meal and sit down to eat. 

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