LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 2: „School fails children by teaching them to parrot, not to think. Do you agree?“.
Aufsatz meines LK-Schülers Axel Ganzert.
LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 2: „School fails children by teaching them to parrot, not to think. Do you agree?“.
Aufsatz meines LK-Schülers Axel Ganzert.
LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 1: Education requires punishment. Discuss.
Aufsatz meiner LK-Schülerin Laura Nemeth:
LK Abitur 2010 Aufgabe I Composition Topic 4: Describe the following cartoon and comment on it.
Dank an Max Müller für verschiedene Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge.
„Show how the author uses language and style“ scheint die neue Standardformulierung im bayerischen Abitur zu sein.
gk Abitur 2010‑I Topic 1
You work in a fair-trade shop. Write an article for your school-magazine, in which you try to convince your fellow students to buy such products.
Im Gegensatz zum Quasselthema 2 sollte man etwas über Fair Trade WISSEN bevor man sich für dieses Thema entscheidet, sonst geht es nur z.B. um „healthy and organic food“.
gk Abitur 2010‑I Topic 2
Can cooking shows change our eating habits for the better?
Ich hätte diese Frage rundherum verneint, bzw. stark eingeschränkt („only very few people actually profit from such programmes“).
LK Abitur 2005 II – Composition Topic 3
Violence at schools has increased over the last few years. Write an article for a quality newspaper in which you analyse the causes and effects of this development.
LK Abitur 2008 II, Composition Topic 4 (Von Neal Conway, LK)
Comment on the cartoon.
LK Abitur 2008 I, Composition Topic 2 (Von Angela Feldmann, LK)
Duty or pleasure? Write a speech with this title given by a student representative at an American or British graduation ceremony.
LK Abitur 2008 I, Composition Topic 1
Can or should people be forced to adopt a healthy lifestyle?
You walk into McDonalds, head for the counter and wait in line. You don’t have much time so you just want to grab something quick. Maybe a double quarterpounder with extra cheese and super size fries. Oh well, you haven’t had anything all day so make it two quarterpounders. You order your meal and sit down to eat.
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