Stu­dy the fol­lo­wing poem and learn the first TWO stanz­as by heart.

You can win two MRs if you memo­ri­ze the WHOLE poem. Look up the mea­ning and cor­rect pro­nun­cia­ti­on of unknown words at PONS.

I star­ted on my homework,
but my pen ran out of ink.
My hams­ter ate my homework
My computer’s on the blink.

I trip­ped and drop­ped my homework
in the soup my mom was cooking.
My brot­her flus­hed it down the toilet
when I wasn’t looking.

My mother ran my homework
through the washer and the dryer.
An air­plane cra­s­hed into our house.
My home­work caught on fire.

Tor­na­does blew my notes away.
Vol­ca­noes rocked our town.
My books were taken hos­ta­ge
by an evil kil­ler clown.

Some ali­ens abduc­ted me.
I had a shark attack.
A pira­te swi­ped my homework
and refu­sed to give it back.

I work­ed on the­se excuses
so dar­ned long my tea­cher said,
“I think you’ll find it’s easier
to do the work instead.”

Source:  Giggle Poet­ry