Topic: Is it better to watch a movie at home on DVD or in the cinema?
Study the following titles and analyse which expectations the title raises, i.e. in which direction the following composition will probably go.
We Don’t Need No DVD
(Pink Floyd The Wall: We don’t need no education)
A Giant Disc for Mankind
(Moon landing/Neil Armstrong: A giant step for mankind)
The Spice of Entertainment
(Variety is the spice of life.)
My Home Is My Theatre
(My home is my castle.)
Constant Talking Wears Away Your Patience
(Constant Dripping Wears Away the Stone)
The Cinema Strikes Back / The Return of the Cinema
(Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back / The Return of the Jedi)
Lord of the Discs
(Lord of the Rings)
The Tall Man and the Seat / The Old Cinema and the DVD
(Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea)
To See or Not to See
(Hamlet: To Be or Not to Be)
A Plague O’er Both Your Neighbours
(A plague o’er both your houses Romeo and Juliet)
O Lovely Cinema, O Hateful DVD
(O loving hate, o hateful love Romeo and Juliet)
It Was the Noise and Not the Nightingale
(It was the lark and not the nightingale Romeo and Juliet)
Wherefore Art Thou So Tall?
(Wherefore art thou Romeo? Romeo and Juliet)
As You Don’t Like It
(Shakespeare: As You Like It)
The Spirit Is Willing but the Popcorn Is Too Loud
(… but the flesh is weak. Bible)
Thou Shalt Not Eat Popcorn
(Ten Commandments)
Let There Be Darkness
(Bible Genesis: Then God Commanded “Let there be light”)
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