„… is a ful­ly func­tion­al dia­gno­stic test which will esti­ma­te the size of your pas­si­ve Eng­lish voca­bu­la­ry. In the LEMMA voca­bu­la­ry test you are pre­sen­ted with one basic word (or lem­ma) and five dif­fe­rent words which we call „dis­trac­tors“. One of the­se dis­trac­tors has a strong con­ne­xi­on to the lem­ma – it may be a syn­onym to the lem­ma (i.e. mean the same thing) or „almost“ a synonym.“

  • based on sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies on voca­bu­la­ry frequency.
  • tes­ted among thou­sands of stu­dents all over Europe.
  • con­sis­ting of dia­gno­stic tests who­se pedago­gi­cal value is enhan­ced by con­text exercises.
  • in which pas­si­ve voca­bu­la­ry know­ledge is activated.


Den Test gibt es in drei ver­schie­de­nen levels. Damit es (bei schwie­ri­ge­ren Wör­tern) nicht nur ein Rate­spiel wird, kann man bei Time limit „None“ ein­stel­len und die Schü­ler mit einem online Lexi­kon arbei­ten lassen.