Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Farewell Sonnet

Mit dem fol­gen­den Sonett habe ich mich ges­tern abend bei der Abi­fei­er von mei­nem LK verabschiedet:

In you I see the future of this nati­on,
But, like a worm, doubt creeps into my hope.
I ask mys­elf in angu­is­hed trepi­da­ti­on:
“On lea­ving school now, can they real­ly cope?”

In you I see the glo­wing of such fire,
That chan­ge and re-defi­ne the com­mon rules,
Old tea­chers can­not help but just admi­re
And pray for mer­cy to the God of Schools.

In you I see such ana­ly­sing powers,
wit, allu­si­ons, crea­ti­ve ima­gi­na­ti­on,
As unex­pec­ted as mild sum­mer show­ers,
Which lea­ves me stan­ding stun­ned in admi­ra­ti­on.

This I per­cei­ve, which makes more strong my hope:
Yes, you can – defi­ni­te­ly cope.

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William Blake „School“

  1. Ivi

    Das ist ja toll!!

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