Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

HW Lilly Lazy

Memo­ri­ze the first TEN lines (until “much bet­ter”). You get TWO MOs, when you learn the WHOLE poem and under­stand all the words.

It only was some days ago
that Lil­ly Lazy could not show
her home­work that she should have done
(ins­tead she’d had a lot of fun).
Her tea­cher was upset and cried,
so Lil­ly said, “Es tut mir Leid!”
“Don’t speak like that”, said Mr Herman.
In Eng­lish, plea­se, and not in German!
“I’m sor­ry, Sir!” She spat each letter.
The tea­cher said, “That is much better.
But tell me why you didn’t do
your home­work as I told you to.”
“Oh Sir, it was against my will,
I could not work, I felt so ill.
I had to stay in bed all day,
the fee­ling did not go away!”
The tea­cher said, stret­ching his neck,
“I saw you in the discotheque.
You nasty girl” – his voice got higher -
“l am afraid you are a liar.
Until you show some more rep­en­tance,
you’ll have to wri­te the Eng­lish sentence
a hundred times and on the board:
Lies have bad wings – they are too short.”


Am Anfang ist das Abitur

Nächster Beitrag

Falcore Juggling

  1. Matt


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