Accor­ding to his doc­tors, com­pu­ter sci­ence pro­fes­sor Ran­dy Pausch has three to six months to live due to can­cer, and in this video lec­tu­re he shares his tips for making the most of your time, „the most pre­cious com­mo­di­ty you have.“ This is a leng­thy talk but it’s chock full of life­ha­cke­res­que tips, like emp­ty­ing your inbox, crea­ting a mana­geable fil­ing sys­tem, using the 80/20 rule to focus your efforts on the stuff that mat­ters most, and plan­ning your day, week, and year. Skip the long-win­ded intro­duc­tions and start at about 12:00 to get right to the good stuff. Fol­low along with the talk slides here. (via Lifehacker)

Ran­dy Pausch on Time Manage­ment (Goog­le Video)