Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Schlagwort: HW Seite 4 von 13

HW Hier hat jeder einen Schuss

In der Klein­stadt Ken­ne­saw in Geor­gia treibt man den US-Waf­fen­kult auf die Spit­ze: Dort ist es nicht nur erlaubt, son­dern Pflicht, schuss­be­rei­te Waf­fen und Muni­ti­on im Haus zu haben. Die Begrün­dung dafür ist abenteuerlich.

Stu­dy this SZ Maga­zin artic­le and prepa­re a short talk. If neces­sa­ry look up words at PONS.

HW Empathy for Robots

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. Wri­te down all the blue words/phrases that are explai­ned at the bot­tom of the screen during the sto­ry, tog­e­ther with their Ger­man trans­la­ti­ons (if neces­sa­ry look them up at PONS) and LEARN them. Bring your list to class. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW LastWeekTonight

Go to Last­Week­To­night and choo­se a topic / video that inte­rests you. Watch at least TEN minu­tes. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW Rules for Students

Stu­dy the fol­lo­wing text. Look up all unknown words: Rules for Stu­dents.

HW Vocab School Shootings / Gun Control

Learn the fol­lo­wing vocab: School Shoo­tings / Gun Control

HW Common Mistakes II

Spot the mistake(s) in the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces. LEARN the bold words: Com­mon Mista­kes II

HW Common Mistakes I

Check whe­ther you can trans­la­te the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces cor­rect­ly. LEARN the bold words: Com­mon Mista­kes I

HW Bowling for Columbine

Watch a sce­ne from Micha­el Moore’s docu­men­ta­ry “Bow­ling for Colum­bi­ne”. The title of the film refers to the worst high school shoo­ting in US histo­ry. Stu­dy what hap­pen­ed at Colum­bi­ne High School. In the fol­lo­wing sce­ne he opens a bank account just to get a free gun:

HW Gun Control Measures

Watch the fol­lo­wing speech by Pre­si­dent Oba­ma. Take notes about the mea­su­res he announ­ces and prepa­re a short talk. How effec­ti­ve are the­se mea­su­res in your opinion?

HW Gun Control

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. What is Jef­fe­ries’ point? Take notes and prepa­re a short talk. 

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