Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

HW Gun Control Measures

Watch the fol­lo­wing speech by Pre­si­dent Oba­ma. Take notes about the mea­su­res he announ­ces and prepa­re a short talk. How effec­ti­ve are the­se mea­su­res in your opinion?


HW Gun Control

Nächster Beitrag

Faulheit lässt Gehirn schrumpfen

  1. Max

    This pro-gun acti­vist, a young mother from Texas, was shot through the back of her seat while dri­ving her car … by her four-year-old son, who had mana­ged to grab her auto­ma­tic pis­tol that she had left lying around. Very weird!

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