Topic: Is working in your free time a valuable experience?
See You Later, I’m the Waiter
Topic: Is working in your free time a valuable experience?
See You Later, I’m the Waiter
Topic: What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in two cultures?
Michael Jackson vs. Mullah Jassir
Two Souls Are Living in My Breast
Topic: Email – A Blessing or a Curse?
Spammed People Dread Mail
Delete Ye Emails while Ye May
Topic: Do you think printed books will ever become obsolete?
Read, Read, Read Again
No Gain without Paper
Tipps für den „normalen“ Aufsatz (also nicht Interview, Rede etc.) im (bayerischen) Abitur. Falls du deinen Schülern die folgenden Tipps als Handout geben und / oder den Text verändern möchtest, kannst du dir die Datei (doc) herunterladen.
Choosing a topic: Have a look at all the topics and ask yourself the following questions: How much do I know about this subject? Can I give concrete and convincing arguments / facts / details or can I only waffle (schwafeln)? Can I express my ideas appropriately?
Topic: Do you prefer watching a movie in the cinema or on DVD?
Note the topic sentences.
I am a movie fanatic. When friends want to know what picture won the Oscar in 1995 or who played the police chief in Jaws, they ask me. However, my friends have stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies because they know that I prefer watching films on DVD.
Kürzlich hat mich mal jemand gefragt, wie ich bei der Einführung zum Aufsatzschreiben methodisch vorgehe. Im Folgenden mein „Ablaufplan“.
LK-Abitur 2002-II, Topic 2: “Once you are married you are done for.” Would you subscribe to this view?
Von Peter Grandl:
LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 2: „School fails children by teaching them to parrot, not to think. Do you agree?“.
Aufsatz meines LK-Schülers Axel Ganzert.
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