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Schlagwort: Composition Seite 3 von 5

Titles: Working in Your Free Time

Topic: Is working in your free time a valuable experience?


See You Later, I’m the Waiter

Titles: Marriage

Topic: Mar­ria­ge

And They Lived Unhap­pi­ly Ever After

To Cheat or Not to Cheat

Titles: Growing up in Two Cultures

Topic: What are the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of gro­wing up in two cultures?

Micha­el Jack­son vs. Mul­lah Jassir

Two Souls Are Living in My Breast

Titles: Email – A Blessing or a Curse?

Topic: Email – A Bles­sing or a Curse?

Spam­med Peo­p­le Dread Mail

Dele­te Ye Emails while Ye May

Titles: Will Printed Books Ever Become Obsolete?

Topic: Do you think prin­ted books will ever beco­me obsolete?

Read, Read, Read Again

No Gain wit­hout Paper

Composition – Technique

Tipps für den „nor­ma­len“ Auf­satz (also nicht Inter­view, Rede etc.) im (baye­ri­schen) Abitur. Falls du dei­nen Schü­lern die fol­gen­den Tipps als Hand­out geben und / oder den Text ver­än­dern möch­test, kannst du dir die Datei (doc) her­un­ter­la­den.

Choo­sing a topic: Have a look at all the topics and ask yours­elf the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons: How much do I know about this sub­ject? Can I give con­cre­te and con­vin­cing argu­ments / facts / details or can I only waff­le (schwa­feln)? Can I express my ide­as appropriately?

Cinema or DVD – That Is No Question

Topic: Do you pre­fer wat­ching a movie in the cine­ma or on DVD?

Note the topic sen­ten­ces.

Cinema or DVD – That Is No Question

I am a movie fana­tic. When fri­ends want to know what pic­tu­re won the Oscar in 1995 or who play­ed the poli­ce chief in Jaws, they ask me. Howe­ver, my fri­ends have stop­ped asking me if I want to go out to the movies becau­se they know that I pre­fer wat­ching films on DVD.

Unterrichtseinheit Composition

Kürz­lich hat mich mal jemand gefragt, wie ich bei der Ein­füh­rung zum Auf­satz­schrei­ben metho­disch vor­ge­he. Im Fol­gen­den mein „Ablauf­plan“.

Marricalypse Now

LK-Abitur 2002-II, Topic 2: “Once you are mar­ried you are done for.” Would you sub­scri­be to this view?

Von Peter Grandl:

Memorize Me

LK-Abitur 2010-II, Topic 2: „School fails child­ren by tea­ching them to par­rot, not to think. Do you agree?“.

Auf­satz mei­nes LK-Schü­lers Axel Gan­zert.

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