What role does your mobile / smartphone play in your life? How long could you live without it? How addicted are you?
Watch the following video:
What role does your mobile / smartphone play in your life? How long could you live without it? How addicted are you?
Watch the following video:
Präsentiert von WordPress & Theme erstellt von Anders Norén
Klasse! Werde es bestimmt einsetzen. Vielleicht zum Past Progressive: „What was she doing? Was she looking at her phone? And the others? Were they celebrating? No, they were only looking at their phones!“
Ein Gegenmittel, vielleicht hilft’s:
„Have you guys heard of the cell phone game at the restaurant? Everyone puts their cell phone in the middle of the table. The first person to pick up the phone and/ or interact with it has to pay for everyone else’s dinner bill.
If nobody interacts with the phone, everyone wins and each person pays for their own bill.
Works like a charm!“ http://tinyurl.com/qar9q8e
„Smartphones versetzen Menschen in eine andere Welt. Doch der Einfluss mobiler Hightech-Geräte äußert sich nicht nur mental, sondern auch körperlich. Eine weltabgewandte und eingerollte Haltung macht sich zunehmend bemerkbar. Ein Kommentar.“