Abitur 2012 Text II Com­po­si­ti­on Topic 2: „The­re is always one moment in child­hood, when the door opens and lets the future in“ (Gra­ham Gree­ne, 1904–19991). Com­ment on this statement.

Von Aylin Aydin.

It Is No Use Crying over Closed Doors

Every human pas­ses through the same pro­cess: You are born, grow up, learn new things, chan­ge and die. No one can chan­ge this. Gra­ham Gree­ne descri­bes this pro­cess of gro­wing up in his fol­lo­wing state­ment: “The­re is always one moment in child­hood when the door opens and lets the future in.”

Every child nor­mal­ly grows up wit­hout under­stan­ding the hard­ness of life. Its ever­y­day life con­sists of eating, slee­ping, play­ing and having fun. Things that bother adults are often not per­cei­ved by child­ren. But as Gree­ne says, this sta­te can­not last fore­ver. Gro­wing up child­ren get to know things bet­ter, learn some­thing new all the time, make expe­ri­en­ces and under­stand how things work in real life.

By making expe­ri­en­ces, child­ren lea­ve their life full of harm­o­ny and joy behind and enter a new world, which is some­ti­mes bru­tal and sad. New things start to con­cern young adults and teen­agers: The first love, school and marks, fri­end­ship, trou­ble with par­ents and so on. All the­se did not exist during childhood.

But as every door opens, also ever door clo­ses. While let­ting the future in, the past dis­ap­pears. It is not pos­si­ble to open the door again and reen­ter child­hood. Even though many peo­p­le want to be a child again, life pre­vents. So being a naï­ve and inno­cent child again is impossible.

What Gra­ham Gree­ne wants to con­vey with his state­ment is that one day ever­yo­ne has to beco­me an adult and lea­ves his child­hood behind. As sad as this seems it’s important to enter a new world, open a new door, chan­ge yours­elf and make new expe­ri­en­ces. This is the reason why we beca­me strong and self-con­fi­dent and this is the way it has to be.

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