Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Witty Excuses

Nach­dem mei­ne Q11 Schü­ler als Haus­auf­ga­be „All My Gre­at Excu­ses“ gele­sen hat­ten, soll­ten sie sich sel­ber „wit­ty excu­ses“ aus­den­ken. Hier mei­ne per­sön­li­chen Favoriten:

  • My brother-in-law’s friend’s father’s grandmother’s sister’s aunt’s turt­le has died. Oh my god, what a tra­gic death it was. I was crying all night long and so I sim­ply could­n’t do my homework.
  • I had put my home­work on my desk. Sud­den­ly it caught fire. It seems that it was sim­ply too bad any­way and God wan­ted to pro­tect you from it.
  • I could­n’t do my cur­rent home­work becau­se I spent the who­le night doing my pre­vious homework.
  • My mother lost a fin­ger while chop­ping car­rots and bled all over my home­work. I wan­ted to spa­re you that ghast­ly sight.
  • I wan­ted to be a role model for my class­ma­tes and memo­ri­ze my home­work by heart. So I put it under my pil­low becau­se when I was a litt­le girl my mother always told me that if I wan­ted to memo­ri­ze some­thing I had bet­ter put it under my pil­low. As you know puber­ty is a kind of dise­a­se that makes your for­get things all the time. So you can ima­gi­ne whe­re my home­work still is …
  • My mum had to do the home­work of all my seven brot­hers and sis­ters and after that she was so exhaus­ted that she could­n’t do mine any more.
  • My dad took all night to finish my home­work and in the mor­ning he acci­den­tal­ly took it with him to his office.
  • I did­n’t do the dis­hes, so my mother took reven­ge and bur­ned my homework.


Play Makes Jack a Smart Boy

Nächster Beitrag

HW Similes and Metaphors

  1. Chris

    die sind wirk­lich lesenswert…eigentlich eine tol­le auf­ga­be auch mal für eine Vertretungsstunde

  2. Sehr schö­ne Idee, und eben­so schö­ne Ausreden.

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