Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

HW Connected, but alone?

Watch this speech by Sher­ry Turk­le. From time to time stop the video and sum­ma­ri­ze in your words what she has said. 

If neces­sa­ry acti­va­te Eng­lish sub­tit­les. As usu­al, look up important unknown words at PONS or the LDOCE.

As to the „Gol­di­locks effect“ (5:50), see this expl­ana­ti­on.

Final­ly prepa­re a short talk about her speech and give your own opi­ni­on. Is she (part­ly) right / wrong? Does she exag­ge­ra­te? If so, where?


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