… ist eine sehr gut gemach­te Zukunfts­vi­si­on, pas­send zu Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy bzw. Sci­ence Fic­tion. Video an den ent­spre­chen­den Stel­len stop­pen und die Schü­ler ver­ba­li­sie­ren las­sen, was da gera­de pas­siert. (via Caschy)

Und hier noch, the­ma­tisch pas­send, ein Gedicht mit dem Titel „Glass“ (Tipp von Max Müller):

Words of a poem should be glass
But glass so simp­le-subt­le its shape
Is not­hing but the shape of what it holds.

A glass spun for its­elf is empty,
Britt­le, at best Vene­ti­an trinket.
Embos­sed glass hides the poem of its absence.

Words should be loo­ked through, should be windows.
The best word were invisible.
The poem is the thing the poet thinks.

If the impos­si­ble were not,
And if the glass, only the glass,
Could be remo­ved, the poem would remain.