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Cartoon – Model Interpretation

How would you inter­pret the fol­lo­wing car­toon? (If you don’t know what to do, stu­dy my ins­truc­tions.)


In my opi­ni­on the car­toon is sup­po­sed to cri­ti­ci­ze Donald Trump stron­gly. The fact that he is depic­ted as a Nean­der­thal man with a club con­veys that he is a pri­mi­ti­ve, bru­tal and vul­gar man. His stu­pid facial expres­si­on tog­e­ther with his ridi­cu­lous hair rein­force this impression.

The fact that he drags along the Sta­tue of Liber­ty can be inter­pre­ted in dif­fe­rent ways. On the one hand this con­tri­bu­tes to his pri­mi­ti­ve­ness becau­se the com­mon cli­ché says that stone age men drag­ged women into their caves. On a second level it refers to the “locker room talk” scan­dal and the alle­ga­ti­ons that Trump has repea­ted­ly gro­ped, haras­sed and even assaul­ted women. On a third level the Sta­tue of Liber­ty is a sym­bol of the US and espe­ci­al­ly of Ame­ri­can values and tra­di­ti­ons. In her hand she holds a tablet with the date of the Decla­ra­ti­on of Inde­pen­dence [see this pho­to]. The most important docu­ment of Ame­ri­can histo­ry says for exam­p­le “that all men are crea­ted equal” and have a right to “life, liber­ty and the pur­su­it of hap­pi­ness”. When Trump calls for exam­p­le Mexi­cans “rapists” and Mus­lims “ter­ro­rists” he shows that he doesn’t share cen­tral Ame­ri­can values.


Nein, wir können’s nicht

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  1. Andrea

    Wie immer dan­ke – wun­der­vol­ler, poin­tier­ter Car­toon! Aber mei­nen Schü­lern wür­de ich aber zu mehr Distanz in den For­mu­lie­run­gen raten, z.B. im Schluss­satz „the car­too­nist seems to say…“ oder so. Und juris­tisch sau­be­rer bei die­sem im Web ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Text wäre in der Mit­te „and the alle­ga­ti­ons that Trump has repea­ted­ly gro­ped, haras­sed and even assaul­ted women.“ 😉

    • > z.B. im Schluss­satz „the car­too­nist seems to say…“ oder so

      Das wür­de ich nur schrei­ben, wenn die Mes­sa­ge nicht ganz klar wäre. Da das hier m.E. nicht der Fall ist, braucht man, den­ke ich, nicht so vor­sich­tig zu sein. 

      > and the allegations

      Stimmt, habe ich geändert.

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