How would you interpret the following cartoon? (If you don’t know what to do, study my instructions.)
In my opinion the cartoon is supposed to criticize Donald Trump strongly. The fact that he is depicted as a Neanderthal man with a club conveys that he is a primitive, brutal and vulgar man. His stupid facial expression together with his ridiculous hair reinforce this impression.
The fact that he drags along the Statue of Liberty can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand this contributes to his primitiveness because the common cliché says that stone age men dragged women into their caves. On a second level it refers to the “locker room talk” scandal and the allegations that Trump has repeatedly groped, harassed and even assaulted women. On a third level the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the US and especially of American values and traditions. In her hand she holds a tablet with the date of the Declaration of Independence [see this photo]. The most important document of American history says for example “that all men are created equal” and have a right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. When Trump calls for example Mexicans “rapists” and Muslims “terrorists” he shows that he doesn’t share central American values.
Wie immer danke – wundervoller, pointierter Cartoon! Aber meinen Schülern würde ich aber zu mehr Distanz in den Formulierungen raten, z.B. im Schlusssatz „the cartoonist seems to say…“ oder so. Und juristisch sauberer bei diesem im Web veröffentlichten Text wäre in der Mitte „and the allegations that Trump has repeatedly groped, harassed and even assaulted women.“ 😉
> z.B. im Schlusssatz „the cartoonist seems to say…“ oder so
Das würde ich nur schreiben, wenn die Message nicht ganz klar wäre. Da das hier m.E. nicht der Fall ist, braucht man, denke ich, nicht so vorsichtig zu sein.
> and the allegations
Stimmt, habe ich geändert.
Wohl war, die Kernaussage ist hier wirklich offensichtlich…