Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Like You Know

… is ano­ther one of the­se, you know, cool vide­os by Tay­lor Mali:


And in case you, like, didn’t get ever­y­thing, here are the words:

In case you had­n’t rea­li­zed, it has somehow beco­me uncool to sound like you know what you’­re tal­king about, you know, or belie­ve stron­gly in what you’­re, you know, say­ing. Invi­si­ble ques­ti­on marks and paren­the­ti­cal ‚you knows‘ and ‚you know what I’m sayings‘ have been atta­ching them­sel­ves to the ends of our sen­ten­ces even when tho­se sen­ten­ces are­n’t, like, you know, ques­ti­ons. Decla­ra­ti­ve sen­ten­ces, so cal­led becau­se they used to, like, you know, decla­re things to be true, OK, as oppo­sed to other things that are, like, total­ly, you know, not. They’­ve been infec­ted by this tra­gi­cal­ly cool and total­ly hip inter­ro­ga­ti­ve tone, you know, as if I’m say­ing, ‚Don’t think I’m a nerd just becau­se I’ve, like, noti­ced this, OK, you know. This is just what I’ve heard. I have not­hing per­so­nal­ly inves­ted in my own opi­ni­ons. I’m just, like, invi­ting you to join me on the band­wagon of my own uncer­tain­ty.‘ What has hap­pen­ed to our con­vic­tion? Whe­re are the lim­bs out on which we once wal­ked? Have they been, like, chop­ped down with the rest of the rain forest, you know, or do we have, like, not­hing to say? Has socie­ty just beco­me so fil­led with the­se, like, con­flic­ting fee­lings of nyeh-nyeh-nyeh that we’­ve just got­ten to the point whe­re we’­re just, like, total­ly, you know, wha­te­ver? And actual­ly, our dis­ar­ti­cu­la­ti­on­ne­ss is just a cle­ver sort of a thing to dis­gu­i­se the fact that we’­ve beco­me the most aggres­si­ve­ly inar­ti­cu­la­te gene­ra­ti­on to come along sin­ce, you know, a long time ago. I implo­re you, I ent­re­at you and I chall­enge you to speak with con­vic­tion, to say what you belie­ve in a man­ner that bespeaks the deter­mi­na­ti­on with which you belie­ve it, becau­se con­tra­ry to the wis­dom of the bum­per sti­cker, it is not enough the­se days to sim­ply ques­ti­on aut­ho­ri­ty. You got­ta speak with it, too. Thank you.


Adult Learning Activities

Nächster Beitrag

Getting Things Done

  1. max

    Groß­ar­tig ist _auch_ „What Tea­chers Make“ von Tay­lor Mali: (und hier ein kon­ge­nia­ler Car­toon:

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