If necessary revise How to Interpret a Cartoon. Then study the following cartoon and interpret it. Finally compare your answer with my model interpretation.
Model interpretation
In my opinion the cartoon is supposed to criticize the NRA’s obsession with guns. According to the cartoon guns are a completely irrational, religious “fetish” and not something (as the NRA constantly claims) you need to defend yourself. The inscription on the pedestal alludes to the First Commandment Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The gun on the pedestal together with the “offering” reminds the viewer of the Biblical story of the Golden Calf, which reinforces the message that NRA and its supporters worship guns with religious zeal. They are even willing to “sacrifice”, i.e. destroy any opponents. The countless skulls represent all the victims of gun violence. The caption is ambiguous. The first meaning of idol is “a statue that is worshipped as a god”. The second meaning is that American Idol was the title of the TV program, which in Germany was called DSDS. In this show stars are also mindlessly adored.
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