… macht auf den ers­ten Blick einen her­vor­ra­gen­den Ein­druck und ver­spricht eine gan­ze Menge:

Finally, a dictionary with a soul.

Our dic­tion­a­ry was writ­ten for humans, by humans. Look up a word, and you’ll read a fri­end­ly expl­ana­ti­on that you’ll actual­ly remem­ber. It’s as if your favo­ri­te tea­cher were explai­ning it to you.

Real world examples, hot off the presses.

Read thou­sands of exam­p­le sen­ten­ces from cur­rent news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes, and lite­ra­tu­re. We show you how words live in the wild and give you usa­ge tips so that you’­re more con­fi­dent about using the words you learn.

Try the world’s smartest, fastest dictionary.

Find the word you’re loo­king for fas­ter than with any other online dic­tion­a­ry. Just start typ­ing a word and our dic­tion­a­ry will dis­play the most likely results. We want you to find the word’s defi­ni­ti­on as quick­ly as pos­si­ble, wit­hout having to look through a lot of clutter.

Gut gefällt mir auch das Wort­schatz-Quiz THE CHALLENGE. 
