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The Impotence of Proofreading

End­lich eine über­zeu­gen­de Begrün­dung, war­um Kor­rek­tur­le­sen wich­tig ist:

Has this ever hap­pen­ed to you?
You work very, very hor­de on a paper for Eng­lish clash
And still get a very glow raid like a D or even a D-
and all becau­se you are the liver­wurst spoi­ler in the wha­le wide word
Yes, pro­ofre­a­ding your pep­pers is a mat­ter of the the utmost impotence.This is a pro­blem that affects man­ly, man­ly stu­dents all over the word.
I mys­elf was such a bed spil­ler once upon a term
that my Eng­lish tor­tu­rer in my sopho­m­oric year,
Mrs. Myth, she said I would never get into a good colleague.
And that’s all I wan­ted, that’s all any kid wants at that age
just to get into a good colleague.
Not just anal com­mu­ni­ty colleague,
becau­se I would­n’t be hap­py at just anal com­mu­ni­ty colleague.I real­ly need to be chal­len­ged, chal­len­ged menstrually
I nee­ded a place that would offer me intellec­tu­al simulation,
I know this makes me sound like a stereo,
but I real­ly wan­ted to go to an ivo­ry legal colleague.
So if I did not improvement
or gone would be my dream of going to Har­vard, Jail, or Prison
in Pri­son, New Jersey.

So I got mys­elf a spell checker
and figu­red I was on Slea­zy Street.

But the­re are seve­ral missed aches
that a spell chuk­ker can’t can’t catch catch.
For instant, if you acci­den­tal­ly lea­ve out word
your spell exche­quer won’t put it in you.
And God for bil­ling pur­po­ses only
you should have seri­al pro­blems with Tori Spelling
your spell Chek­hov might replace a word
with one you had abso­lut­e­ly no detenti­on of using.

Becau­se what do you want it to douch?
It only does what you tell it to douche.
You’­re the one with your hand on the mouth going clit, clit, clit.
It just goes to show you how embargo
one care­less litt­le clit of the mouth can be.

Which reminds me of this one time during my Juni­or Mint.
The tea­cher took the paper that I had writ­ten on A Sale of Two Titties
No I’m cere­al, I am cereal
she read it out loud in front of all of my assmates.
It was the most humi­di­fy­ing expe­ri­ence of my life,
being laug­hed at pubically.

So do yours­elf a fla­vor and fol­low the­se two Pis­ces of advice:
One: The­re is no pro­sti­tu­te for careful editing.
And three: When it comes to proofreading,
the red penis your friend.

Spank you.


Bad Day

Nächster Beitrag

Politically Correct Christmas

  1. rip

    Thank you for doing us the fla­vour of pos­ting this 😉

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