Watch the following video. Do you like it? Why (not)?
Schlagwort: HW Seite 3 von 13
Go to this page and browse through the topics to get an impression of what kind of topics we already had in the past.
Watch the following video carefully until 6:30 (in the rest of the video he gives and explains an example):
Go to the British Council, click on a symbol to listen to its sound, then click on the down-arrow to see and hear some example words. Learn ALL the vowels and diphtongs, but only the “strange” consonant symbols (not the “normal” letters). Repeat all the sounds/words LOUD.
The above site works with Flash. If you don’t see anything study this chart.
Go to this text. Study the introduction and the first argument (“The 2nd Amendment guarantees …”). Then choose another THREE arguments. Write down the COMPLETE claim and take notes for its refutation. As usual prepare a talk.
Study the following statement and learn the following words:
Lies diesen Artikel mit Ausnahme der letzten drei Absätze (ab „Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850 – 1909) gilt als Pionier …“). Stell dir vor, du sollst einem Mitschüler die wichtigsten Informationen auf ENGLISCH vermitteln.